Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Biograpy of Jesus Christ"

JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!
6/5? B.C. - 30/33? A.D.
JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!
Jesus Christ, also called Jesus of Nazareth, was born on December 25 sometime between the years 6-5 B.C. Jesus was a teacher and prophet, whose teachings form the basis of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus is the SON OF GOD and "Christ" (the Chosen One, prophesied in the Old Testament). Jesus was considered both God and man and the Messiah sent by God to save the human race from "sins" it inherited originally from the "evils" of Adam and Eve.
The Four Gospels of the Bible say that Jesus had a "miracle" birth in Bethlehem and was conceived by the Virgin Mary through the power of God. Jesus was raised by Mary and her husband, Joseph.  At a young age, Jesus amazed his teachers with his vast knowledge at the Temple in Jerusalem. He became a teacher and prophet and even foretold his own death. His followers were called "apostles." Jesus and the apostles toured Palestine preaching the gospel of God, healing sick people, performing exorcisms and many miracles. He believed in the acceptance of the oppressed and the poor into the Kingdom of God and had many followers and fans, but also had vicious enemies and non-believers.
Jesus was causing havoc and problems for the Romans and the Jews. Pontius Pilate, the Roman Perfect of Judea, condemned Jesus and ordered, with the prompting of the Jewish authorities, the CRUCIFIXION of Jesus.  On the "Last Supper," Jesus ate the last meal with his disciples before his death. At the Last Supper, Jesus said the famous line, "Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me."  He then told the apostles to eat his bread and wine, which were symbols of his body and blood.   The betrayer turned out to be Judas, one of his 12 Apostles. The Romans, who were the rulers at the time, sentenced Jesus to be crucified. At the age of 33, JESUS CHRIST WAS CRUCIFIED and DIED ON THE CROSS.
Christians assert that Jesus Christ was resurrected 3 days after dying, proving that Jesus was DIVINE. The day that Jesus was crucified is called "Good Friday" and the day he was allegedly resurrected is called "Easter."  Christians believe that JESUS CHRIST made SALVATION possible for the "SINNERS."
Jesus Christ is a popular figure throughout history, with art and music masterpieces centered on the theme of Christ. Among them, Ludwig van Beethoven composed the powerful Oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives," George Frederick Handel wrote the brilliant Oratorio "Messiah" and Leonardo Da Vinci painted the masterpiece "Last Supper," based on Jesus Christ's last meal with his apostles.

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